- Rotator Cuff Disease - tendinopathy or tear of >= 1 of the 4 rotator cuff muscles, or subacromial bursitis - the most common cause of shoulder pain presenting to physicians
- Subacromial Impingement Syndrome - clinical entity characterised by a 'painful arc' of shoulder abduction between 60 and 120 degrees; can be caused by rotator cuff disease
- supraspinatus muscle initiates abduction
- infraspinatus initiates external rotation
- teres minor initiates external rotation and some adduction
- subscapularis initiates adduction and internal rotation
- referred pain from the c-spine
- osteoarthritis
- adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
Clinical Presentation
Dull pain which becomes sharp and throbbing with overhead activities
Localised in the deltoid muscle
Night pain, weakness, stiffness, crepitus
Muscle atrophy on examination
Pain on passive movement suggests adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) or glenohumeral arthritis
- Most improve with conservative, non-operative management
- Large tears can progress and become irreparable
📄 JAMA - Does This Patient With Shoulder Pain Have Rotator Cuff Disease?
- TODO Finish notes from JAMA Article
- TODO Add information from NICE CKS